About Wallace Insurance Group, LLC

The History of Wallace Insurance
Weldon “Wally” Wallace has been in the Property and Casualty Business since 1979. He has worked with major personal and business insurance companies. He has in depth training in homeowners insurance, dwelling fire, farm and ranch owners insurance, and auto and personal insurance needs.
Wally also has training in the Commercial Insurance field, including Commercial Auto, Commercial Property and Liability, Commercial Package, Workers Compensation, Equipment and several other commercial specialty markets.
Wally has been an independent Insurance agent since 2003 and has built his agencies on personal relationships where his clients are people with needs, and not just policy numbers.
Community Involvement
Wally is a member of the Weatherford Rotary, Weatherford Chamber of Commerce and Weatherford Evening Lions Club. Wally is also a strong believer in giving back to the community. He volunteers for the Weatherford Meals on Wheels program through the Senior Center in Weatherford.
Outside of Weatherford he is also a board Member of Parker County ESD-3, Springtown Chamber of Commerce, Mineral Wells Chamber of Commerce and Possum Kingdom Lake Chamber of Commerce.